Author: Mily

 For families with dogs, the dog’s personality is too lively is also a big problem, so what if the dog likes to pounce on people? Maybe you can try the following method. 1. Use a leash to control the action by pulling the leash hard when the dog pounces on someone else, and then let it sit down. Sit still for three minutes and then get the dog up.2. when the dog pounces on you, say “no” or “NO” loudly, while backing away from the dog, try the dog a few times to know that you don’t like this behavior.3. At…

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Just as human language is multifaceted and multipurpose, barking allows dogs to convey many different messages in a variety of situations.Barking can make a request to their humans, such as, “Hey, I want to get out!” It can also issue warnings such as “You are on my turf!” Or when the dog has nothing to do, it can simply be used for entertainment.An instinctive canine behavior that barks from time to time to remind you that your dog is still very dog-like. However, constant barking can be destructive, if not downright nerve-wracking. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent or curb…

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Water is essential for all life, and it plays a vital role in keeping dogs healthy. It helps them digest, eliminate waste (aka pee and poop), support cognition, maintain blood pressure, and deliver nutrients throughout the body.A dog’s body weight is made up of 60-70% water, which makes it the most important and abundant nutrient in our dogs!According to the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA), access to adequate water and food is the second of five animal welfare needs. The official advice says, “All animals in need must always be provided with enough fresh, clean drinking water.” You can…

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One of the main reasons people give their dogs over to shelters is their dog’s unwelcome or destructive behavior. These may include aggression, excessive barking, running away, chewing and digging, or any number of other behavioral problems.However, with some training, most dog parents can reduce or eliminate these habits and live peacefully with their dogs. That said, if you’re dealing with aggression, it’s usually best to consult a professional canine behaviorist.Any behavior gets worse due to inadequate training or mishandling. Physical strength will never work and will only weaken the connection you are trying to make.But in order for your…

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This is the most diverse phylum of bacteria known to the scientific community and can be found in extreme environments ranging from geysers to icebergs. Many known pathogens, such as those that cause salmonella, meningitis, chlamydia, and Legionnaires’ disease, are members of this family.But they are not all bad people! Other members of the group give the squid a unique bioluminescence, protecting them from predators.In the dog’s gut, these bacteria are most common in the puppy’s gut. After dogs reach nine weeks of age, their numbers tend to decrease.‍Quick Fact:Proteobacteria are not as abundant as the Firmicutes and Bacteroides, but…

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This is one of the three most common gates in a dog’s intestines, along with Fusobacterium and Bacteroides. These tough little things can be found in many environments and have excellent survival skills.Firmicutes, which means “thick-skinned” in Latin, refers to the strong cell walls of many types of bacteria in this group. Some of these bacteria transform into dormant and resilient states when they lack nutrients and moisture, and live for thousands or even millions of years.Some members of the phylum are known pathogens, such as streptococcus, which is responsible for strep throat. Others are responsible for wine and beer…

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If you’ve read any of our other articles, you know how important fiber is to maintain and strengthen your dog’s gut health. But there are other keys to keep your dog healthy, including animal protein. Fusobacterium is part of the phylum Fusobacterium and prefers a meat-rich diet.Fusobacterium is a good example that what is good for us is not always good for dogs. In humans, some of this group of bacteria have been linked to colon cancer. However, it is common in the guts of healthy dogs for our best friends, who usually spend a lot of time outdoors. This…

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Often we think of bacteria as just something that makes us sick, and we should try to get rid of most bacteria. But the truth is that they play a very important and beneficial role in keeping people and dogs healthy. So it’s worth learning what they can do for us.Most of the bacteria that live in a dog’s gut are divided into five main groups: Bacteroides, Fusobacterium, Firmicutes, and Release Phylum and Proteobacteria. Each group or phylum (plural forms of phylum) includes hundreds, if not thousands, of known bacterial species that live in many environments. In the gut, the…

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The Bacteroidetes phylum is extremely diverse, with more than 7,000 known species. They can be found in many different environments: soil, ocean, fresh water, and the intestines and skin of animals. Bacteroidetes are found in the guts of mice, pigs, cattle, domesticated and wild birds, and even termites and sea urchins.Newborn pups do not have much Bacteroidetes in their gut. However, as the pups suck their mother’s milk, this gate reproduces rapidly and becomes one of the main groups in their gut when they are three weeks old.‍In the gut, Bacteroidetes specialize in breaking down large organic molecules such as proteins and…

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