Author: Mily

Once your family’s dog food hits the bowl, who owns it? Does Rover kick you out of the kitchen at dinner? What happens if you need to take away a delicious bone or chew it?If food, bones, or chews turn your lover into a growling, growling monster, then your dog has a resource conservation problem, or CPA – canine possession aggression. Food aggression is the most common form of CPA.Here’s what you should know about food aggression and guarding in dogs and what you can do about it. Does your dog eat alone or in good company?We tend to teach our…

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Many dogs definitely love the idea of a ride, and some prefer to travel with their own four paws. Whether they like to travel or not, some dogs just bark incessantly in the car. This can be distracting when you’re driving.Occasionally, you might take your dog to the vet in the car, and they may not like that, so some protest barking is understandable. Maybe most of the time you’re going to a dog park and your dog loves it, but they bark anyway.Some dogs will make noises out of fear. Others will be very excited about the noise of…

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As a noble among cats, Persian cats can be known as “princes of cats” and “princesses of cats”. Because of its round face, fluffy long hair, and arrogant temperament, many people are willing to bow down to be its shoveler. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Persian cats? Take a look at the ten advantages and disadvantages of the Persian cat summarized for you!  First, the advantages of Persian cats1. smart and well-behaved not noisyPersian cats have a high IQ, not noisy cats, even if they are called, the voice is thin and soft, the call is not irritating at…

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Did you know that there are more bacteria on Earth than stars in the sky? Just like the universe, we don’t even know the vast majority of these bacteria yet. Studies estimate that there are close to 1 trillion different bacterial species, but only 1% (i.e. 0.001%) of them have been identified!We know that bacteria and other microbes living in the gut, collectively known as the gut microbiome, play an important role in good health and may even influence our behavior. Microbiome research is at the forefront of today’s science, and there’s a lot more to understand.Some beneficial bacteria have…

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We all love it when our dog wants to show some affection. They trot towards you, big happy eyes, ready for a hug, and then it happens. They breathe near your face and you smell what can best be described as hot garbage. Suddenly you wonder how such a cute thing can have such a terrible aura!‍What causes bad breathBad breath or bad breath is a very common complaint among many dog owners. The most common cause is periodontal disease, which affects the gums and the bones around the teeth. A recent study showed that about 93% of dogs over…

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The phylum Bacteroides and Firmicutes are the two most abundant bacterial groups (phylums) commonly found in the intestines of people and dogs. Recent research suggests that while the ratio of the two is important for tracking gut health, we still need to understand their specific impact on your dog.Many studies have linked the proportions between the two phylums to different health problems, but the emerging scientific picture is complex and controversial. Studies — mostly in humans and mice — have shown that a high F/B ratio, meaning more firmicutes and fewer Bacteroides, is associated with obesity 。 A low F/B…

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ven pet dogs that live at home and eat and drink may have mental illness, and separation anxiety is one of the more common, which can affect the dog’s appetite, spirit and health. How to avoid separation anxiety in dogs?  Every time you go home, parents should not be too excited, if you are more excited than the dog after you go home, you will infect the dog, so that they obviously feel that the parents are very happy to go home, so that they will be more reluctant to be at home alone.You can also often pretend to go out,…

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Our dog is one of our favorite friends and family. Definitely more loved than some in-laws!When we talk about our dogs’ overall well-being, we usually talk extensively about their happiness and health, like telling people they’re eating, playing, pooping, and sleeping (which, honestly, sounds like a life goal for some).But what exactly is the definition of happiness, and how do we assess and measure it? Happiness is not just the absence of disease, but an independent, positive state. It is often described as a multidimensional picture that includes physical, psychological, social, cultural, psychological and intellectual elements. Measuring these can be…

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 Because the nutrition of special dog food is more balanced, dogs should still use special dog food during pregnancy. And when the baby dog gradually becomes larger, the nutrition required by the dog mother also gradually increases, and the amount of dog food fed to the dog is gradually increased. During pregnancy, calcium supplementation is very important. But dogs are not suitable for gnawing bones during pregnancy, and you can give your dog some bone broth every day. Also, when stewing bone broth, putting some carrots in the soup can also add vitamin A to the dog.

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