Some frightened dogs bite, but you can help train this behavior.Some dogs bite when frightened. While it may not be your dog’s fault that they bite in response to an accident, you may want to stop this behavior.The startle reflex is an animal instinct, and it’s not uncommon for sleeping dogs to bite when awakened by pets, kisses, or other physical interactions. Remember that this reaction is reflexive – not aggressive; It is important not to confuse the two.Some nervous dogs also bite when they are awake and bite when someone or something interrupts their attention. Fortunately, there are steps…
Author: Mily
Protecting your pet from ticks starts with understanding their life cycle, what kind of disease they can transmit in 10 minutes, and what routine tests your veterinarian can perform to detect it.Types of ticks and where they are found:Lone star tickIt’s not just Texas. This tick can be found in many southern and eastern coastal states.American dog tick or wood tickA limited area east of the Rocky Mountains and along the Pacific coast.Rakki YamamokuRocky Mountain states, such as Idaho, Utah, Montana, and Nevada.Western black-legged tickNorthern California is a hotspot for these ticks.Brown dog tickIt is found in every state and…
Nunc felis. Curabitur ac ipsum. Pellentesque nibh ultricies est. Maecenas consequat, augue a venenatis risus. Ut id mollis vel, lacinia quam. Praesent blandit malesuada. Suspendisse commodo
We all love it when our dog wants to show some affection. They trot towards you, big happy eyes, ready for a hug, and then it happens. They breathe near your face and you smell what can best be described as hot garbage. Suddenly you wonder how such a cute thing can have such a terrible aura!What causes bad breathBad breath or bad breath is a very common complaint among many dog owners. The most common cause is periodontal disease, which affects the gums and the bones around the teeth. A recent study showed that about 93% of dogs over…
Dogs, as the best animal friends of our human beings, are loyal to their owners and deeply love their owners, and their owners are also very fond of them, and even hope that they can talk to themselves and listen to their hearts. In fact, dogs are also very good at calling you when they also hope to be able to let you understand, today Xiaobian to teach you how to identify the difference between the dog’s bark and the meaning of the representative! 1. Exhalation sounds The sound is similar to coughing or something like a throat, and when…
We love to have some good maple syrup on our pancakes and waffles. The smell is so wonderful and sweet. If you live in New York City, you might even smell it in the air, which is a great step up from the usual smell!But should you worry if your dog suddenly starts smelling like maple syrup or waffles? The smell itself does not necessarily mean that there is any problem. A lot depends on whether you notice any other changes in your puppy. So let’s see what causes this smell (except for breakfast time).That fresh maple flavor: Breakfast was…
Although some people avoid cats because they are afraid or don’t like them, there is some hope for those who avoid cats because they are afraid of allergic reactions. A lot depends on the nature of your allergies. If your cat is the type of sneezing, watery eyes, and runny nose, you may be able to slowly and gradually build up your tolerance to the cat. However, you should get an allergy test before getting a cat, especially if you suffer from asthma. For example, about 30% of people with allergies are allergic to cats and dogs, but studies have…
Is your puppy louder than you (and your neighbors) would like? Teaching your dog to bark on command is not only a fun trick for your furry friend to learn, but it can also help alleviate inappropriate barking.When you teach dogs to bark on command, you’re also teaching them the opposite – to be quiet. This simple trick will let your puppy know the proper time to use beautiful sounds. Quiet gameplayYou may want to start teaching your puppy how to talk on command. However, the more important aspect of this trick is your dog’s ability to sit quietly. Before they…
Duis porttitor vel, eros. Mauris nec adipiscing elit. Nam sed porta eget, neque. Pellentesque fringilla neque quis blandit venenatis.
Water is essential for all life, and it plays a vital role in keeping dogs healthy. It helps them digest, eliminate waste (aka pee and poop), support cognition, maintain blood pressure, and deliver nutrients throughout the body.A dog’s body weight is made up of 60-70% water, which makes it the most important and abundant nutrient in our dogs!According to the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA), access to adequate water and food is the second of five animal welfare needs. The official advice says, “All animals in need must always be provided with enough fresh, clean drinking water.” You can…