Just as human language is multifaceted and multipurpose, barking allows dogs to convey many different messages in a variety of situations.
Barking can make a request to their humans, such as, “Hey, I want to get out!” It can also issue warnings such as “You are on my turf!” Or when the dog has nothing to do, it can simply be used for entertainment.
An instinctive canine behavior that barks from time to time to remind you that your dog is still very dog-like. However, constant barking can be destructive, if not downright nerve-wracking. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent or curb problem barking.
Causes of excessive barking
Most often, barking stems from boredom, fear, or frustration.
If you don’t hear your dog barking, but you hear it from your neighbor, your dog may bark out of boredom when you’re not around. In short, they like to bark. When they are alone, it is a way of occupying themselves.
Fear barking, on the other hand, is a stress response. It is caused by something the dog does not know, such as a sudden noise or another dog’s barking.
Fear barking can also come from dogs finding disturbing sights and sounds, such as skateboards or sirens. In these cases, dogs bark to send a clear message to anything that scares them: stay away!
The third is barking in frustration. This happens when dogs are denied access to something they desperately want, such as a favorite toy, a steak, or a terrier on the other side of the fence.
As you might have guessed, the treatment of barking varies depending on the cause.
Treat fear barking

For someone who is afraid of barking, desensitization — the process of removing anxiety about negative stimuli — can be a very effective treatment.
As with any program designed to reduce stress in your dog, seeking the help of a reputable trainer is an excellent option. In the meantime, here’s an idea on how it works:
Let’s say your dog barks at a bearded man. Start by asking your bearded friend to keep some distance from you and your dog, far enough away so that your dog can see the person, but still be calm and comfortable while rewarding your dog for not barking.
Slowly, close to the bearded man; Give your dog treats when they are quiet.
Eventually, you’ll get to the point where your dog can happily trot from a bearded stranger without any stress response at all. However, it will take weeks, so don’t expect it to be completely resolved in one afternoon. Again, professional guidance is key to this type of treatment.
When the source of the barking is rare or one-time and does not require desensitization – for example, your dog finds a hot air balloon overhead – resist the urge to comfort your dog. This only reinforces the notion that whatever they are barking is truly scary and deserves your attention.
Instead, redirect them – lure your dog away from the window with delicious food. Once you get their attention, tell your dog to sit or lie down and reward them for their response.
Treatment of boring barking
Like many unwelcome behaviors, barking can be greatly reduced if your dog gets enough mental and physical exercise.
Let them have a lot to do when you’re not there. FREEZE A KONG TOY FILLED WITH PEANUT BUTTER OR BABY FOOD AND GIVE IT TO THEM BEFORE YOU HEAD OUT. Or hide small snacks or toys around the house for them to find when you leave.
Perhaps most importantly, make sure they get enough exercise so they feel sleepy when they’re alone instead of fidgeting.
Treatment of depressed barking

For dogs that bark when frustrated, eliminate irritation as much as possible.
If the barking beagle next door always shows up on the front porch between 6:00 and 7:00 p.m., it might be a good time to take your dog for a walk.
Or, if your dog is woken up by squirrels flying around the yard, consider putting a scarecrow to scare away critters.
Obedience classes and home training can also help suppress barking by teaching impulse control. The more your dog is asked to perform a particular behavior before getting what they want — for example, sitting down before receiving treatment — the more control they will have over themselves.
Prevent unwanted barking
In most cases, the more confident and satisfied a dog is, the less likely they are to bark.
Stimulate your dog mentally and physically; socialize them with as many different people, places, and animals as possible; And make sure they get the attention they need and deserve from you.
Providing them with plenty of opportunities to choose appropriate behavior is key to a happy relationship for both parties.
Bottom line: Barking is a natural expression for your dog; Its complete elimination is neither healthy nor humane. However, with effort and the right strategy, problem barking can be managed, if not prevented to a great extent.